519-833-9665 ext. 404
Cara Cameron is a life-long musician holding a B.F.A. (Honours Specialist Classical Voice Performance), a B.Ed (I/S Instrumental Music and Visual Art) from York University, as well as Honours Specialist Instrumental Music certification from Queen’s University. Ms. Cameron is a recipient of the 2021 Loran Teachers Building Leaders Award. She has been the music teacher at EDHS since 2014, bringing our music outside the music room through our Buskers Festival, playing for elementary schools, playing for the Fall Fair or the Erin Santa Claus parade, participating in the CBC Music Class competition and Musicfest, and providing the music for our school musicals. Outside of school, Ms. Cameron sings semi-professionally and has been a featured soloist in several concerts with local ensembles. She also is the assistant conductor of the Orangeville Community Band, where she regularly plays the euphonium. She is happiest when in the middle of a musical venture and is always working on ways to let her students perform or express themselves through music.

Naomi Dinniwell
519-833-9665 ext. 461
Ms. Dinniwell found her passion for theatre in grade 10 when she took her first drama class. After taking drama she then went on to find a passion for theatre production including stage managing and directing plays in highschool and at Brock University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Dramatic Arts, and a Bachelor of Education in intermediate/senior Drama and French. She has also earned her Honours Specialist in Drama. Ms. Dinniwell joined the EDHS arts Department in 2018 and since then she has directed a number of school productions including Elf Jr. The Musical, and has supported students as they competed in the National Theatre School One Act Play Competition where they won awards for best original production and best staging. She believes that drama provides students the opportunity to discover who they are and aspires to inspire students to discover and explore their world using the global competencies they have gained in drama class.

519-833-9665 ext. 414
Lisa Filion is an artist and art teacher who has been teaching Visual Arts at EDHS since 2007. Lisa’s educational background includes an undergraduate degree in Honours Visual Arts and English, a Bachelor of Education with Honours in Intermediate/Senior Visual Arts and English as well as an Honours Specialist Certification in Visual Arts from the University of Western Ontario. Lisa has been creating art all of her life and enjoys the challenge of working with diverse media and has shown her work in many local art shows throughout the Guelph area. She also teaches online art classes, helping students to develop their digital drawing skills in Procreate on the iPad. Lisa has a passion for sharing her love of the arts with her students and aims to make art accessible and fun for all learners.